Nov 7, 2023Liked by Howard Switzer

One of the big historical facts that people miss is that modern day Jews are not the Hebrews of Jesus' time. The Hebrews (Judahites, Levites, Benjaminites) were part of the original tribes and were Semitic in origin. During and after 70AD, the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem to the point it was a desolate wasteland. Millions of Hebrews were killed during the seige and inter-tribe fighting. Any survivors were enslaved and/or were dispersed and intermarried. There are no more remnants of those Hebrew tribes. Modern Jews are not Semitic in origin (they may have some blood) but descend from Japheth and not Shem. They are primarily eastern European hence they are WHITE like any other people group from Europe. I doubt they are cousins to the modern day Palestinians as they are Semitic in origin. That is the supreme irony of it all...modern day Jews falsely claim Semitic and tribal origins all the while persecute those that are closely related to Abraham's blood line.

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These three religions are first and foremost political entities. Fundamentally, among all the religious traditions of the world, only Judaism, Christian-ism and Islam-ism are inherently and aggressively associated with an expansionist ideal, and an attitude of not only cultural, but also social and political superiority that irreducibly intends, and actively pursues their self-appointed destiny of total world domination, or global totalitarian rulership.

Likewise, by their very nature, these three religious and comprehensively cultural, social, and political traditions are, perpetually , in an intentionally performed state of competition, that always seeks, and frequently achieves conflict, confrontation, and even aggressive warfare with one another - and even with all other religious, social, and political traditions, systems, or institutions in the world.

For Juda-ism, the "Book" or the "Divine Words" must achieve final victory, whereby at the end of time the poltically established priestly traditio0n of Juda-ism will Rule the world.

For Christian-ism, the "Teacher", or the "Incarnation of the Divine Word" must achieve final victory, whereby, at the end of time, the politically established sacramental tradition of Christian-ism will Rule the world.

For Islam-ism, the "Religion", or the politically established religious movement "Inspired by the Divine Word" must achieve the final victory, whereby, at the end of time, the authoritarian religio-political tradition of Islam-ism will Rule the world.

The powers of nation-states that would exercise themselves in the name of one or the other of these religions of Middle East now presume they can wage "Final War" and, thus thereby, establish "Final Rule" - and they are now actively moving themselves on that basis. In one way or another they are actively exploiting the divisions, the weaknesses , and the ignorance of the otherwise separate parts of the human world.

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To be alive in a mortal very vulnerable living-breathing-feeling form is to be absolutely hell-deep terrified of dying - to be full of fear. Furthermore apart from fear every human being is also crippled by the unresolvable emotions of sorrow and anger too. The three emotions are centred deep within the brain, the throat and the heart.

And at a more superficial level everyone is constantly confronted with boredom, doubt and discomfort - our entire culture is based on ways to avoid feeling such. It (our culture) ceaselessly invents more and more ways to assuage such feelings, with more and more self and other destructive

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Excellent analysis Howard. I'll be sharing.

Richard Cook

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