One of the most obvious lessons to be learned from Worgl is: Hierarchy subjugates

Another obvious lesson from Worgl is: Savings --> Hoarding is part of the problem.

Savings concentrated in the hands of the Hierarchy: https://archive.is/WjwB9

- that is the 2x/3x/4x/[X] Whammy! The Whammy that keeps on whammy-ing . . .

The Solution? It has to be Direct Change by the People

But how? It has to be both Push and Pull

Push: the Indirect Hierarchical System is evil

Pull: the Direct Reciprocal System is good

Hence: "Turn away from evil and do good!"

The Worgl Currency is but one example of the Direct Reciprocal System

It is a start - but not sufficient - it has to be Full Spectrum - for Co-opecracy


The Worgl Currency is an example of the Periodic Reckoning Currency

- backed by nothing more than the Promise of a Promising Future AND Periodic Reckoning

- the core elements of the Direct Reciprocal System

- for a true caring culture!


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